
If you can not find an answer to your question here, please contact our Customer Service Centre:

Telephone: (47) 22 38 73 00 or e-mail:

About safe transactions and 3D secure

Your safety is important to us. We have chosen Netaxept payment solution from Nets for card transactions. Nets follow all national and international safety standards. For some card types 3D Secure (Verified by Visa / Mastercard SecureCode) is required. This is a safety tool that requires user authentification for online transactions. This makes transactions even safer for both parties.

Frequently asked questions:

1. What kind of fees can be paid from this web page?
You can use this page to pay for patent annual fees and renewals of trademarks and designs to NIPO. You can also pay annual fees for EP-cases to be validated in Norway, annual fees in divided patents and annual fees for some PCT cases. In such cases you must wait until after the international publication date. Application fees may be paid at the time of filing via Altinn, you will otherwise receive an invoice. Other fees from NIPO will be invoiced.

2.  What is the difference between bank payment and card payment?

  • With bank payment you must include the order refererence when paying in your bank. The amount is withdrawn directly from your account, but payment will not be registered until the following bank day or later if payment is done from abroad.
  • Card payment is registered with NIPO immediately, and payment is withdrawn from your account depending on your agreement with the card company.

Whereasbank payment are free of charge, transaction costs will be added to card payments. Regardless of payment method, executed payments are visible in Search and Payment when payment is registered at NIPO. Orders are visible as soon as they are created.

3. How can I check that payment was successful?
Answer: There are several ways to check executed payment. Under "My orders" you will see the payment status for Your orders. The payment is registered at NIPO if status is "paid". Any deviances will show up here. You may also look up the spesific case(s) in Search or Payment to see the payment status of the case(s).

4. What do I do if card payment fails?
Answer: If your card payment is interrupted you will see an error message and get the opportunity to try again or pay the order via bank payment. If you are uncertain whether the transfer was successful or not, please check under My orders. If the order has the status "created, not paid", the transfer was not sucessful. You may then delete this order and create a new one. It is possible to create a new order before deleting the old one, but be aware that all cases now will have a warning attached to them, and you will have to pick them one by one to add them to the shopping cart.

5. Why is my card payment not successful?
Answer: There may be several reasons for that, please read the error messages in the browser window. If you have tried sereval times without success, you may check with your card provider that you have the settings that is required for 3D-secure authentication.
A Norwegian Bank-ID and an agreement is required to use BankAxess. BankAxess unfortunately, does not function from mobile phones.

6. Will I still receive renewal letters?
Answer: When the correct amount is received NIPO will renew the cases in the order. This normally happens the week after payment was received. We will continue to send renewal letters for trademarks and designs to the owner or the owner's representative. This happens regardless of who has paid for the case.

7. Will I get a receipt by mail or in Altinn as earlier?
Answer: When logged in, you may check your orders under My orders, and download or print receipts.

8. What happens if I pay an order twice?
Answer: You do not need to contact NIPO if that happens. The last transfer will be reimbursed to your bank account.

9. What should I do if I pay for the wrong case?
Answer: By using Payment the risk of paying for the wrong case is reduced. However, if it happens, please contact NIPO by sending an e-mail to and we will transfer the payment to the correct case. 

10. What should i do if Payment retrieves no hits when I search for my case number?
Answer: There can be several reasons for that, for example that your case is not yet registered in our case handling system. Please wait a few days or send an e-mail to

11. What if I do not know the case number for my case?
Answer: Cases are retrieved in Payment by searching for the application number, registration number, patent number or EP number. If you do not have any of these numbers, you can look up your case in Search and and choose the payment icon.  

12. What should I do if I want to reduce the number of classes or number of designs?
Answer: Please inform NIPO about the changes some days before paying. You can use the form PS-002 in Altinn or inform NIPO in written by e-mail. We will then make the necessary adjustments in our system.